Smile Gallery: Before and After Dental Treatment Images

Before and After Dental Photos

At Clinton Dental, we’re dedicated to excellence in cosmetic dentistry. From our office facility to the results we achieve, we aim to exceed your expectations. Explore our Smile Gallery with the before and after dental photos below to witness how we can help you attain your dream smile!

Case 1

Before and After Dental Photos
This patient did not like her two short dark lateral teeth.
As seen on the dental treatment images, Dr. Branco raised her gum levels above these two teeth by performing a gum lift. He then gave her two new longer veneers that matched her natural teeth much better. This was a very conservative treatment that made a huge difference in the patient’s smile.

Case 2

This young boy had an unfortunate accident and broke his front tooth.
In these before and after dental photos, it’s evident that in just one short appointment, with a simple bonding technique, Dr. Branco returned the tooth to its natural appearance.

Case 3

This patient was not happy with his missing lateral tooth and his chipped, discoloured front teeth.
Dr. Branco restored this patient’s front teeth with a bridge and a few porcelain crowns. This patient is extremely happy with his new bright, natural looking smile.

Case 4

These teeth had very old silver amalgam fillings with cavities underneath them.
Dr. Branco, in these dental treatment images, removed the silver amalgam fillings, and restored them with white more natural looking fillings.

Case 5

This young patient had significant tooth destruction and tooth wear from grinding, and acid erosion from stomach problems.
Dr. Branco restored and protected this patient’s teeth, front and back, with 14 crowns. He now has a more youthful smile.

Case 6

This patient had four chipped front teeth with fillings on them that were discolouring. The teeth were worn out and in poor condition.
Dr. Branco suggested four porcelain crowns and in just two appointments, gave this patient a more symmetrical smile with longer teeth making her smile brighter and more youthful.

Case 7

This patient had a very dark tooth as a result of trauma.
Dr. Branco suggested one simple crown which was done in two appointments. This treatment eliminated the dark tooth for good.

Case 8

This patient had a front tooth with a developmental anomaly (yellow patch) on it. She was unhappy with her smile and wanted to do something about it.
With a conservative treatment plan, Dr. Branco restored the tooth with a single porcelain veneer, creating a new impactful smile –as seen on these dental treatment images.

Case 9

This patient was not happy with her short front tooth; the uneven gum line, and the wear and chipping of her two front teeth.
Dr. Branco suggested raising her gum line in order to make it more symmetrical. He restored her two front teeth by placing two porcelain veneers. This created more length and symmetry to her smile. This was a very conservative treatment that changed the patient’s smile dramatically.

Case 10

This patient was very unhappy with her two very dark front teeth.
Dr. Branco restored her smile with two simple crowns completely changing her appearance.

Case 11

As seen on these before and after dental photos, Dr. Branco added 6 lower anterior crowns to correct the colour, shape, and misaligned teeth for this patient.

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